International cooperation

7 résultats

Declaration of cooperation between the South Korean data protection authority (PIPC) and the French data protection authority (CNIL)

The PIPC and the CNIL jointly signed a declaration of cooperation on October 26th, 2022 in Istanbul. This agreement opens a new chapter of cooperation, allowing us to strengthen our understanding of…
  • #Particulier
  • #Professionnel
  • #International
26 octobre 2022

Declaration of cooperation between the South Korean data protection authority (PIPC) and the French data protection authority ...

The PIPC and the CNIL jointly signed a declaration of cooperation on October 26th, 2022 in Istanbul. This agreement opens a new chapter of cooperation, allowing us to strengthen our understanding of…
  • #Particulier
  • #Professionnel
  • #International
26 octobre 2022