Code of conduct
What you need to know about the code of conduct
A code of conduct is a sectoral compliance tool that addresses the operational needs of professionals in their efforts to comply with the GDPR.
22 février 2022
What you need to know about the code of conduct
A code of conduct is a sectoral compliance tool that addresses the operational needs of professionals in their efforts to comply with the GDPR.
22 février 2022
How to get a code of conduct approved?
The drafts for national codes are examined and approved by the CNIL, whereas the draft for European codes are submitted to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) for its opinion.
22 février 2022
How to get a code of conduct approved?
The drafts for national codes are examined and approved by the CNIL, whereas the draft for European codes are submitted to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) for its opinion.
22 février 2022
What shall a code of conduct contain?
The content of a code of conduct is framed by the GDPR and by guidelines adopted by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) which provides practical explanations and examples.
22 février 2022
What shall a code of conduct contain?
The content of a code of conduct is framed by the GDPR and by guidelines adopted by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) which provides practical explanations and examples.
22 février 2022
The monitoring body designated by the code of conduct
The proper application of a code by the adherents is regularly verified. The CNIL recalls the role and obligations of the monitoring body.
22 février 2022
The monitoring body designated by the code of conduct
The proper application of a code by the adherents is regularly verified. The CNIL recalls the role and obligations of the monitoring body.
22 février 2022
Code of conduct: CNIL grants first accreditation to a monitoring body
The accreditation of a body in charge of monitoring the code of conduct is essential for the code to be operational. Following the approbation of the code of conduct for cloud infrastructure service…
16 juillet 2021
Code of conduct: CNIL grants first accreditation to a monitoring body
The accreditation of a body in charge of monitoring the code of conduct is essential for the code to be operational. Following the approbation of the code of conduct for cloud infrastructure service…
16 juillet 2021