10 tips for staying safe on the web
10 tips to protect your online privacy, illustrated by Martin Vidberg.

1. Think before publishing !

Everyone can see what you publish on the internet: information, photos,opinions.
2. Respect others !

You are responsible for what you publish online, so be careful what you say on social networks, forums etc. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
3. Don’t share everything !

Give out as little personal information as possible on the internet. Don’t share your political views, religion, phone number etc.
4. Make your accounts secure !

Always set your profiles on social networks so that you control the information you want to share.
5. Have several e-mail addresses !

You can use one e-mail address for your friends and another for games and social networks.
6. Be careful with photos and videos

Don’t publish embarrassing photos of yourself or your friends because you can’t control their circulation.
7. Use pseudonyms

Only your friends and family will know it is you.
8. Be careful with your passwords!

Don’t share them with anyone and make them a little complex: without your birthday or nickname!
9. Clear your history

Regularly clear your browser history and remember to use private browsing if you are using a computer that is not your own.
10. Check what traces you leave

Regularly type your name into a search engine to find out what information is circulating about you on the internet.