Entry into force of the European AI Regulation: the first questions and answers from the CNIL

12 July 2024

For the past year, the CNIL has initiated its action plan to promote AI systems that respects individuals’ rights on their data, and to secure innovative companies in this area in applying the GDPR. With the publication of the AI Act, the CNIL answers your questions about this new legislation.

The European AI Act has just been published in the Official Journal of the European Union and will gradually come into force as of 1 August 2024. Who is concerned? What distinguishes the AI Regulation from the GDPR and how do they complement each other?

Presentation of the AI Act



What does the AI Act provide for?

Who will monitor the application of the AI Act in the EU and in France?

How will the CNIL take AI Act into account?

When does the AI Act come into effect?



How do the GDPR and the AI Act fit together?


Does the AI Act replace the requirements of the GDPR?

AI Act / GDPR: how do I know which regulation(s) apply to me?

How does the AI Act impact the GDPR?

Transparency and documentation: how to link these AI Act requirements with those of the GDPR?

To sum up: What are the differences between the AI Act requirements and the GDPR?